COMSOL Conference 2015
Published: Thu, 04/23/15
Greetings! It is that time of the year again when we start getting e cited for the COMSOL Conference. We will be joining COMSOL at the Boston…
Marketing emails that have been sent
Published: Thu, 04/23/15
Greetings! It is that time of the year again when we start getting e cited for the COMSOL Conference. We will be joining COMSOL at the Boston…
Published: Mon, 04/06/15
The following highlights our COMSOL Training Classes scheduled over the ne t si (6) months. We are always very appreciative when a participant chooses…
Published: Tue, 03/10/15
Greetings! We are always e cited to promote and follow the Create the Future Design Contest each year because it fits so nicely with our statement…
Published: Mon, 02/02/15
In most cases, introducing a continuation parameter that ramps a model from a less non-linear to more- nonlinear system is a help to the solution…
Published: Mon, 01/12/15
On January 23, 2015, AltaSim Technologies will be conducting a one-day COMSOL Workshop in Independence, OH. We are very e cited about this opportunity…
Published: Mon, 01/05/15
The following highlights our COMSOL Training Classes scheduled over the ne t si (6) months. One of the most talked about aspects of our classes are…
Published: Wed, 12/17/14
COMSOL Multiphysics® simulations are based upon the finite element method. This numerical method requires discretizing the solution domains with a…
Published: Tue, 12/02/14
Now that Cyber Monday is over, and it appears that we all survived, we can get back to being productive on-line. Our web-based Solver Settings Class…
Published: Mon, 11/24/14
COMSOL v5.0 has added a powerful, new way of performing parametric sweeps. Previously, in versions before v5.0, COMSOL has given users the ability to…
Published: Thu, 10/30/14
We recently returned from the COMSOL Conference 2014 with more e citement and more energy as we delve into COMSOL Multiphysics® v.5. That means some…