January 23, 2015, AltaSim Technologies will be conducting a one-day COMSOL Workshop in Independence, OH. We are very excited about this opportunity to help attendees gain a better understanding of COMSOL Multiphysics® capabilities. Our plan is to do one workshop each month on a rotating basis in the Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, and Dayton areas. You Are Invited!
Each workshop will include an overview of COMSOL in the morning complete
with AltaSim demonstrating multiphysics modeling, and we will discuss the many different modules of the software based on our real-world experience. Then the afternoon portion of each workshop will focus on specific physics each month as we make our way around the state. The afternoon portion of this first workshop in Independence focuses on heat transfer and structural mechanics.
You may be looking at COMSOL for the
first time wondering if it is the kind of tool that can help, or you may be a casual user needing some basic help, or you may be working through a two-week trial for a specific problem, or you may be very adept at using COMSOL but still looking to grow your proficiency. All four of these scenarios are reasons to attend these workshops.
As founding members of the COMSOL Certified Consultants program we combine our expertise in COMSOL Multiphysics® and our ability to
extend its functionality with our in-depth knowledge of physics, mechanics, computational science and real world processes to a wide range of applications. Our desire in these workshops is to help each attendee discover how together AltaSim and COMSOL can help them solve quicker, faster, cheaper.
If you would like to register for this workshop, then please follow this
To Your Success…
Jeff & Kyle
PS. In February our workshop will focus on heat transfer and fluid flow. Additional information can be found at this