COMSOL Training Classes Six Month Calendar
Published: Tue, 10/27/15
Our ne t si months of COMSOL Training classes are listed below. It is not too late to invest in yourself this year. You can take every class we teach…
Marketing emails that have been sent
Published: Tue, 10/27/15
Our ne t si months of COMSOL Training classes are listed below. It is not too late to invest in yourself this year. You can take every class we teach…
Published: Wed, 09/30/15
About Multiphysics Simulation & Computational Analysis That is right. The world of Multiphysics Simulation brings wonderful advances that we often do…
Published: Mon, 08/17/15
It is Mid-August. Do you know where your COMSOL Conference 2015 registration stands? In two more months we will be in Boston at the COMSOL Conference…
Published: Mon, 08/03/15
COMSOL Tips & Tricks - Zoom to Selection One little known fact about graphics manipulation that we picked up recently has to do with the “Zoom to…
Published: Thu, 07/16/15
What does it mean to be “best in class”? No, not to be the best student in one of our training classes, but rather to be the best you you can be. When…
Published: Tue, 07/07/15
Since the COMSOL Application Builder has been added to COMSOL release v5.0 last year (with improvements in v5.1 earlier this year) we have developed a…
Published: Mon, 06/22/15
AltaSim Technologies is joining with COMSOL to bring you the COMSOL Midwest Meeting, an all-day event where you can learn more about modeling with…
Published: Mon, 06/08/15
Real Live (Life) Impact Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is one of the most widely used and safest imaging modalities for medical diagnostics. Despite…
Published: Wed, 05/20/15
AltaSim is e panding (maybe we should eliminate the corporate candy bowls)! Meet and help us welcome Dave Crookshank. Dave recently joined our team as…
Published: Thu, 04/30/15
Although COMSOL Multiphysics typically solves models using the finite element method, the software accommodates other numerical methods as well. In…