Hello ,
As we continue to experience the changes to our 'norm' that have been brought on by the current pandemic, the team at AltaSim hopes that you and everyone for whom you care are healthy.
AltaSim is dedicated to providing the best possible service and training available while keeping our clients and staff safe. Because of the current health climate, we have made the decision to move our remaining 2020 courses to our live, web-based format. We promise that in these online sessions you will receive the same outstanding content that you would in our classroom setting as well as full, interactive access to
our experienced instructors.
AltaSim’s COMSOL training courses for July and August are:
Solver Setting for Effective Analysis in COMSOL July 14-16, 2020 Course info and registration
Best Practices in COMSOL Multiphysics July 22, 2020 Course info and registration
Electromagnetics in COMSOL: RF & Wave Optics July 28-31, 2020 Course info and registration
CFD: Single Phase Flow in COMSOL Multiphysics August 4-7, 2020 Course info and registration
Multiphysics Solutions using COMSOL Multiphysics (an introductory COMSOL course) August 10-20, 2020 Course info and registration
Electromagnetics in COMSOL: AC/DC August 25-26, 2020 Course info and registration
For our full training calendar and links to learn about and register for our courses please visit our Training Calendar page.
We hope you utilize this opportunity to increase your COMSOL abilities from your home or office.
The team at AltaSim sends you our well wishes.